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Parent Teacher Association

Annual PTA Events image.jpg


Taney Parish Primary School was one of the first in the country to establish a PTA, over 50 years ago.  The PTA supports the school by raising money to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for all pupils. 

Our mission is to maintain close ties within the school community, foster strong ties between school and home life, and help parents become positively engaged in their children’s education. 

The PTA is a group of parents from across the school who come together to share their skills and experience for the good of the school and its pupils. 


Who runs the PTA? 

The PTA committee is run by a group of volunteers, comprised of ten parents, two teachers and the school principal. 

The committee meets in the school every term to plan events such as Sports Day, the School Fair, and other fundraising events. 

Three to four new members are elected at the AGM each year.  Elected members serve a three-year term.   Any parent or guardian interested in joining the PTA should contact

Class Reps are a key part of the PTA network.  They serve a four-year term, organising class socials and other events, and communicating on behalf of the PTA.  For details on the Class Reps Role please click here

The PTA does not act as an intermediary between teachers and parents on school related matters.  For additional information see the PTA constitution.   

The current PTA Members are:

Chairs:                                         Sonia O'Kelly & Zoe Grogan

Treasurer:                                    Vickie Menzies

Secretary:                                    Kirstie McAdoo

Members :                                   Renaith Keane, Colin Gorman, Lindsay Jacobs,                                                                                                                              Luana Drügg, Jean Campbell, Kim Maguire

Teacher Representatives:           Ms Judy Blain & Mrs Nadia Campbell

Honorary Member:                     Mrs Rachel Fraser

To contact the PTA email: 

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