School Opening Hours
Taney Parish Primary School opens to receive pupils at 8.30 a.m. (children will not be supervised before this time). Classes begin when the bell goes at 8.50 a.m. and we would ask you to ensure your child’s punctuality on a daily basis.
School finishes for Junior and Senior Infants at 1.15 p.m. and for all other pupils at 2.15 p.m. The four junior classes shall only be released to parents / guardians or designated individuals whilst the older classes are free to leave on their own. Children should be collected promptly at the relevant close of school time.
The school assumes responsibility for your children strictly and only between the opening and closing times or until the end of an extra-curricular class in which they are validly enrolled.
Please note that children who are not involved in after school activities may not, under any circumstances, wait on the school premises for friends or family members. Also, if you are car-pooling with other parents to off-site sports, please ensure that the children know the arrangements in the event of cancellation due to bad weather.