Staff 2024 - 2025
At Taney Parish Primary School, we have 16 mainstream classroom teachers, our special education team, a part time EAL teacher, seven special needs assistants, and two classroom assistants along with our principal, secretaries and support staff.
Principal: Mrs R Fraser
Secretary: Mrs J Maloney & Mrs L Hanley (part-time)
Classroom Teachers:
Junior Infants: Mrs L Duffy & Ms L Leahy
Senior Infants: Ms Blain & Mrs S Ruddock/Mrs R Fitzsimmons (Jobshare)
1st Class: Ms E O'Rourke & Mrs N Potterton
2nd Class: Mr J Burns & Mrs N Campbell
3rd Class: Ms A Lawrence & Mrs R Adamson
4th Class: Ms E Gorman & Mrs S Hinds
5th Class: Ms R McLoone & Ms C Farrar
6th Class: Ms S Gallagher & Mr D Ross
Special Education Teachers:
Mrs J Fitzroy
Mrs W Quill
Mrs A McConnell
Mr D Edgar
Ms L Hanbidge
Mrs F Power (shared with Sandford Parish National School)
Mr R McConnell (English as an Additional Language Teacher)
Special Needs Assistants:
Ms H Little
Mrs E Gilbert
Mrs F Jessup
Mrs A Zacchei
Mrs S Gibney
Mrs H Keough
Mrs A Mullins
Classroom Assistants:
Mrs N Darley
Ms C Lindsay
Support Staff:
Caretaker: Mr P Staunton